Monday, March 03, 2014

Day 29!

OK, so I've mentioned that Thursdays are my busiest work day each week - that is, with the exception of the first workday of the month... 

I didn't eat breakfast - I know, I know - bad girl!
Hubby worked from home today and was nice enough to make us lunch so I could keep working and not stress over making lunch - I didn't even ask :)

He made us Paleo quiche

He didn't use a recipe, but it has a shredded sweet potato crust and I know he used coconut milk, his homemade Paleo sausage, broccoli, red onion and tomato - it was pretty good, but he was wishing we'd had almond flour or something as it did have a little too much coconut flavor - he did also use coconut oil, I told him he should have used the bacon grease I have in the fridge - next time! :)

Dinner was the same thing, but 1 smaller wedge and a good sized salad with kalamata olives, artichoke hearts and organic grape tomatoes - I did my same olive oil, red wine vinegar and Spike seasoning, but also with a splash of black cherry balsamic - yum! :)

Then this happened tonight ;)
Is it wrong to have a Bloody Mary in a Smithwicks glass? ;)  lol

And in case you're wondering just how nutty we are....
This is a tattoo I did on hubby this past weekend :P
And no, we are not tattoo artists - we're not artists - we're just a bit, umm, nutty ;)

Not bad for a total amateur, right? lol
(Of course we use stencils!)

OK, so Day 29 Success!
One more day to go!

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