Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Day 23!

OK, so today was a sort of weird food day...
Breakfast was just 3 boiled eggs, I wasn't feeling great and didn't feel like making them into deviled eggs... 
I didn't even really have lunch, nothing sounded good, so I had a handful of nuts and some olives and a Larabar :o
I need to get some freezer meals prepared as soon as I have some freezer space!

Hubby wanted burgers for dinner - yes, AGAIN!
I didn't take a picture of his (same as before w/ the egg and bacon), just mine....

Back in the day in Michigan there was a cheap, drive thru only burger joint called Hot 'N Now - It's not there any more and hasn't been for many years. One of their burgers was a double olive burger and that was my favorite, so every so often, I decide to do olive and mayo on my burger - yum! 

One package of ground beef wasn't going to be enough for 4 burgers, so I used 2 pkgs, both organic grass fed, but one was 93% lean and the other was 85% lean - I didn't bother with weighing it this time and I set some aside to use in the next couple of days for Spaghetti squash and meat sauce or meatballs.

I also made chicken stock today - It'll most likely be used tomorrow for a Thai Curry for lunch :)

So, Day 23, Semi-Success!

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